Saturday, April 04, 2009

The Twilight Series

I've never been fond of fantasy stories especially if I have to read the English version. Well, maybe its because I never really tried hard to even understand and imagine all the words written but that's all happen coz I am never really that interested in fantasy storybooks. I read Harry Potter once but only the first book (apa tah nama dia...haa...The Philosopher's Stone kan?) and I also tried to read the first book of The Lord of The Ring...but...emm...not interested. I am always a fan of thriller-spies-like genre from the author of Robert Ludlum, Frederick Forsyth etc. I really enjoy reading their masterpiece even though sometimes it's a bit frustrating coz the stories involve a lot of conspiracies and government intervention. Well, that's the best part I guess. hehehehe.

However, recently, thanks to my ex-office mate, Hanna, I have even spent my lunch hour reading the fantasy-genre books she recommended and she seriously have me thrown into the world of Edward Cullen and Bella. She wanted me to read the David Eddings for my first fantasy book...but somehow changed her mind to suggesting me to read Twilight. Yes, the same Twilight that was made into a movie and shown in Malaysia a couple of months ago. And yup, I read the book and I watched the movie and watched it again for another 5 times. hahahaha... I am seriously easy to be distracted. (n_n)v

And now, I love reading these books. The simple language and the feelings attached to every word written and not to forget, a lot of sense of humour, makes the books better than the movie. I heard they are going to make the sequel of Twilight, New Moon...hahahaha...can't wait!

And yup, I bought all the books (except Eclipse) at Kinokuniya.

The last book is Breaking Dawn which I haven't read yet but, bought in advance. hahahaha...
Hey, any suggestion of new books? Authors? Genre? Suggestions are welcome!


virtual insanity said...

i loike twilight saga..

jacob black..

jacob black..


roslini ashari said...

huhuhuhu. mcrose pun suka jacob black. tapi lagi suka edward cullen. huhuhuhuhu...jacob black tu furry sangat. muahahaha...