For Full Metal Alchemist's lovers out there, do you know that FMA has a season 2? Muahahaha. I was so excited to watch the second season that I spent time in my office until 8 p.m (I usually go back around 7 p.m) to watch all the three published episodes in youtube. Luckily they have good subtitles and the opening song by Yui (among my favourite Japanese singer) is so cute and I love it. hehehehe
However, the episodes (except for episode 1), are actually the edited episodes of season 1. Remember Roze and her lover Cain that was supposed to be alive through human transmutation by the priest who wore the fake philosopher's stone ring? Yup, that's the first episode for season 1 and the second episode of season 2. Though edited, we can still predict the ending of the episode.
Whatever it is, I still love FMA. One of my recommended anime ever. hehehehe. I miss the time when Ed was so pissed off coz people called him chibi (or midget if translated) or when people mistook Al for being the State Alchemist: The Full Metal Alchemist (cannot blame Al coz he really suited to be the Full Metal Alchemist--->Hagane no renkinjutsushi). Huhuhu...this is a really entertaining anime and for first timers out there, you should watch FMA as your first anime. I can ensure that you'll be highly entertained and you will search for the opening and ending songs of FMA the first season. hahahahaha
Can't give you the link as Youtube has deleted the videos due to the copyright terms. huhuhuhu. Gomen!
Yes, I'm turning 25. Call me childish or immature but watching anime is not the same as watching Donald Duck or Mickey Mouse (though I love them quite the same...hehehehehe). Anime like FMA, Death Note or Bleach are definitely for adults. Though the storyline and their level of entertaining (the characters are damn funny except in Death Note) is unarguably different but they surely, for me, are not suitable for kids. Try watching the series and tell me how do you feel about it. juu go no otanjobi omedeto! Ganbaruyo!
dah jumpa link FMA 2. muahahahaha
Мы ласкали друг другаеё влагалище стало необычайно мокрои она сказала то, после чего я стал уважать себя ещё большетеперь я первый раз в жизни хочу секса. Сергей подошел и встал на колени сзади нее. Я должна сказать, что манекенщицы это не моя чашка чая, поскольку большинство из них слишком эгоистичны, чтобы свободно и без предрассудков отдаваться другим. Япередаюшепотомегословамоейпартнерше,безвсяких признаковжизниприкрывающеймоетело,каксоратник на полебрани. Это действительно были мягкие белые стены с вкрученными лампочками в потолокто странно, наверное, лекарствами. Всеееестествопоглощено энергичными и грубыми круговыми движениями ее крупного зада,вседальше и дальше навинчивающие. Ну, зачем ты такукоризненно покачала она головой.
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Анекдотик, не помешает... :)
Девушка на приёме у гинеколога
- Доктор, у меня такой деликатный случай. .
- Да?
- Я каждое утро, у себя во влагалище марку нахожу. . Вот посмотрите, я целый альбом этих марок собрала.
- Мдас. . Так это не марки, а наклейки с бананов!
блуждала по сети , [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL]
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