Tak tahulah sejak bila aku minat lagu DBSK/TVXQ/Tohoshinki ni. Tapi bila tengok video diaorang menari dalam youtube, tiba-tiba sangat bersemangat untuk jadi kurus. kwang. kwang. kwang. check the youtube below. (n_n)v
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tarsius Pumilus : Cute or Scary?
A primate species that looks like a living, breathing version of the Furby electronic toy has been found alive in the forested highlands of an Indonesian island for the first time in more than 70 years.
They have the distinctive, big-eyed look often associated with Furbys, gremlin-like talking toys that were popular in the late 1990s. Compared with the robotic Furbys, however, the real animals' dimensions are seriously downsized: They typically measure less than 4 inches (105 mm) from head to tail, with most of that length being tail. They weigh less than 2 ounces. And unlike Furbys, they hardly ever vocalize.
The Pygmy Tarsier is a nocturnal species. It spends most of the daylight hours sleeping on vertical branches in the canopy. T. pumilus is not a nest builder. Unlike other tarsier species, it does not use scent glands to mark territorial boundaries. Also, tactile communication and interaction is important with the Pygmy Tarsier, as in other tarsier species.
Tarsiers, in general, are insectivorous, and tarsiers are the only primates that are completely carnivorous. They eat arthropods, and there are anecdotal stories of T. pumilus capturing birds and snakes. They also, as insectivores, play an integral role in their habitat in structuring the insect community and in the local food webs. - Wikipedia -
Tarsiers, in general, are insectivorous, and tarsiers are the only primates that are completely carnivorous. They eat arthropods, and there are anecdotal stories of T. pumilus capturing birds and snakes. They also, as insectivores, play an integral role in their habitat in structuring the insect community and in the local food webs. - Wikipedia -
Read more at : real life furbys
Tiba-tiba teringat cerita Gremlin. uuuu....
Friday, November 14, 2008
The degrading interest in Maths
Hidup aku memang penuh dengan kerja. Mungkin sebab aku belum efisyen enough to be an efficient executive ataupun memang bos aku tu tak tau yang dia kasik aku banyak giler kerja yang tak agak2 macam nak pecah kepala otak aku nak startnya. Huhuhuhu...aku merungut? Memang aku kuat merungut! So let me be!!!!!! Ko dengki kenapa!!!!
Tapi aku dah mula belajar banyak benda. Aku rasa sekarang aku dah tau sebab yang sebenarnya aku join banking instead of jadik lecturer. Mungkin minat aku yang tidak begitu mendalam dalam maths menyebabkan aku malas nak jadi pengajar walaupun aku tau yang sebenarnya menjadi pengajar itu suatu tugas yang mulia. But, don't get me wrong. I still loves maths! It's just that not to the extent sampai kan nak sambung belajar dalam bidang maths. Oh tidak! Aku memang tak sama macam Fatimah atau Amy atau Yana n Ina yang sambung belajar dalam bidang maths yang menyebabkan aku kagum dengan keupayaan mereka. Huhuhuhu (kenapa sejak2 akhir ini aku rasa ayat aku dah jadi macam ayat dalam komik?) (n_n)
Tapi mungkin the degrading interest in maths membuatkan aku jadi lebih aware tentang economics and apa2 sahaja report tentang loans, financing dalam dan luar negara. I'm not saying that they are not related. It's just that I cannot kill two birds with one stone. I can concentrate only on one thing and right no it is surely not maths. (sigh*) Tapi benda baru yang aku buat ni aku belajar dengan tekun okay[?] Well, mungkin tak sangat sebab aku ada sahaja masa untuk mendownload komik dan lagu. Dulu bukan main lagi kena block segala macam benda yang illegal ni, tapi sekarang ni dah boleh access! (n_n)v. Berkat kesabaran mcrose yang sememangnya tak berapa suka bekerja dengan serius. kwang. kwang. kwang.
Aku still suka apa2 benda yang berkaitan dengan maths. Walaupun sekarang ni aku sedang belajar dengan bos aku untuk jadik analyst (kononnya la!), aku still lagi ada masa untuk membaca benda2 yang berkaitan dengan maths dalam Wiki. Ini semua berkat menonton cerita Numb3rs yang memang cool giler!!! Buat masa sekarang aku akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk grab sebanyak mungkin knowledge yang ada daripada bos aku (walaupun situasi belajarnya sangatla berlainan) dan menguji tahap keupayaan aku sama ada aku layak jadi analyst yang bagus atau tidak. Belum try belum tahu kan! Yosh...ganbaremashoo!!!!!!!!
Tapi aku dah mula belajar banyak benda. Aku rasa sekarang aku dah tau sebab yang sebenarnya aku join banking instead of jadik lecturer. Mungkin minat aku yang tidak begitu mendalam dalam maths menyebabkan aku malas nak jadi pengajar walaupun aku tau yang sebenarnya menjadi pengajar itu suatu tugas yang mulia. But, don't get me wrong. I still loves maths! It's just that not to the extent sampai kan nak sambung belajar dalam bidang maths. Oh tidak! Aku memang tak sama macam Fatimah atau Amy atau Yana n Ina yang sambung belajar dalam bidang maths yang menyebabkan aku kagum dengan keupayaan mereka. Huhuhuhu (kenapa sejak2 akhir ini aku rasa ayat aku dah jadi macam ayat dalam komik?) (n_n)
Tapi mungkin the degrading interest in maths membuatkan aku jadi lebih aware tentang economics and apa2 sahaja report tentang loans, financing dalam dan luar negara. I'm not saying that they are not related. It's just that I cannot kill two birds with one stone. I can concentrate only on one thing and right no it is surely not maths. (sigh*) Tapi benda baru yang aku buat ni aku belajar dengan tekun okay[?] Well, mungkin tak sangat sebab aku ada sahaja masa untuk mendownload komik dan lagu. Dulu bukan main lagi kena block segala macam benda yang illegal ni, tapi sekarang ni dah boleh access! (n_n)v. Berkat kesabaran mcrose yang sememangnya tak berapa suka bekerja dengan serius. kwang. kwang. kwang.
Aku still suka apa2 benda yang berkaitan dengan maths. Walaupun sekarang ni aku sedang belajar dengan bos aku untuk jadik analyst (kononnya la!), aku still lagi ada masa untuk membaca benda2 yang berkaitan dengan maths dalam Wiki. Ini semua berkat menonton cerita Numb3rs yang memang cool giler!!! Buat masa sekarang aku akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk grab sebanyak mungkin knowledge yang ada daripada bos aku (walaupun situasi belajarnya sangatla berlainan) dan menguji tahap keupayaan aku sama ada aku layak jadi analyst yang bagus atau tidak. Belum try belum tahu kan! Yosh...ganbaremashoo!!!!!!!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
PTPTN : Bayar hutang
Sekarang baru aku tau kenapa orang kata PTPTN ni sangatla menyakitkan hati. Baru2 ini aku pergilah CIMB untuk bayar PTPTN. Dah keje kan, mestilah kena bayar hutang. Tak baik tau, orang lain pun nak guna duit untuk belajar jugak, itulah yang aku fikir. CIMB dekat ajer dengan Muamalat ni. Kalau tak salah aku, ni kalau keempat aku bayar kat CIMB. Taknak lah tolak dari akaun sebab aku tak nak fixkan bayaran. Manalah tau that months urgent nak guna duit ke apa, so, aku fikir baik pergi bayar manual je.
Masa kat kaunter aku tanyalah pegawai bank tu macam mana nak check balance berapa yang aku dah bayar? Dia kata yang tu kena check dengan PTPTN. Balik jer office, aku bukak website PTPTN and call PTPTN for the pin number. They gave me the pin number and I viewed my account in PTPTN. Itu dia kau! Selama ni yang aku bayar tu baru bayar kos pentadbiran je. huhuhuhu. Heran jugak mula2. So aku call PTPTN tanya, dia pun stat explain. blablablabla... aku pun mengangguk tanda faham. Hati tengah panas tapi nasib baik orang PTPTN tu explain dengan lemah lembut. Kalau dapat yang suara tinggi jugak mau kena sound dengan aku...
Moral: korang kalau dah stat keje, baik stat cepat2 bayar. Why? Sebab satu, duit yang kita bayar tu boleh tolong orang lain. 2nd one, hutang wajib dibayar walau tidak dituntut. 3rd one, kalau tak bayar sekarang, dia akan bertambah sebanyak yang mungkin. Contohnya, aku hutang dalam RM28000 dengan PTPTN after 6 months kalau tak dapat bayar, dia akan plus RM28000X.0023=RM28065.33. Inilah yang berlaku seterusnya. So, kalau tak nak korang punya hutang membahagi macam chlamydomonas, baik korang stat fikir macam mana nak bayar hutang.
p/s: aku bukan kerja dengan PTPTN and takder masanya aku nak tolong promote PTPTN ni. Tapi ni peringatan sementara masih berkesempatan. Selamat membayar hutang!!! (n_n)v
Masa kat kaunter aku tanyalah pegawai bank tu macam mana nak check balance berapa yang aku dah bayar? Dia kata yang tu kena check dengan PTPTN. Balik jer office, aku bukak website PTPTN and call PTPTN for the pin number. They gave me the pin number and I viewed my account in PTPTN. Itu dia kau! Selama ni yang aku bayar tu baru bayar kos pentadbiran je. huhuhuhu. Heran jugak mula2. So aku call PTPTN tanya, dia pun stat explain. blablablabla... aku pun mengangguk tanda faham. Hati tengah panas tapi nasib baik orang PTPTN tu explain dengan lemah lembut. Kalau dapat yang suara tinggi jugak mau kena sound dengan aku...
Moral: korang kalau dah stat keje, baik stat cepat2 bayar. Why? Sebab satu, duit yang kita bayar tu boleh tolong orang lain. 2nd one, hutang wajib dibayar walau tidak dituntut. 3rd one, kalau tak bayar sekarang, dia akan bertambah sebanyak yang mungkin. Contohnya, aku hutang dalam RM28000 dengan PTPTN after 6 months kalau tak dapat bayar, dia akan plus RM28000X.0023=RM28065.33. Inilah yang berlaku seterusnya. So, kalau tak nak korang punya hutang membahagi macam chlamydomonas, baik korang stat fikir macam mana nak bayar hutang.
p/s: aku bukan kerja dengan PTPTN and takder masanya aku nak tolong promote PTPTN ni. Tapi ni peringatan sementara masih berkesempatan. Selamat membayar hutang!!! (n_n)v
Monday, November 10, 2008
Nobody but U - Wondergirls
Selama ni aku takder la suka sangat pompuan gedik yang menari ntah apa2 tapi aku suka lagu this group. These are Wondergirls. Diaorang ni memang famous for their cuteness. Their songs pun selalu number 1 kat Music Bank (KBS World charts). Despite of kadang2 menyampah tengok diaorang tergedik, I really like their song. They are famous with their so called cute dance and single diaorang yang paling famous is Tell Me.
P/s: ignore the first part of the clip. It's from Park Ji Young with a song titled Honey
P/s: ignore the first part of the clip. It's from Park Ji Young with a song titled Honey
Friday, October 31, 2008
Balik JB
I went back to JB last weekend to celebrate a hari raya there. Met my beloved nephews and nieces and my small Darwish (refer to the previous posts), He's getting better. He was so small that hugging him felt like hugging a breathing, warm teddy bear. Mesti dia rimas sebab che su dia selalu cium and peluk dia. hehehehehe
Well, I did nothing special there actually, except buying a few dvds and a whole season 3 of Supernatural. hahahaha. Dean is soooooo cute. And not to forget, playing with my nieces and nephews.
The fun part was I took another Emergency leave on Tuesday coz I was out of ticket and the only time available was at 6.30 a.m in the morning on Monday. 6.30 a.m? You've gotta be kidding me. So, I called the PA and told her I'm taking an EL on Tuesday.
On Tuesday however, I did not go back with the bus although I've already bought the ticket. I went back by my brother's car. hahahaha. A sport car. Which when you drive 200km/h, it feels like you're driving at 120 km/h a normal car. A journey that was supposed to be 3 1/2 hours was shortened to 2 1/2 hours. hahahaha. Being in the car reminds me of Sophia (I called my car Sophia even though it's a Wira car. Don't know why but the name seems to suit the car. hehehe) and driving at 120-140km/h is already making her tired. Though, it's very excited to be inside the car (it has every single thing that a car should have) I still love my Sophia.
Well, I did nothing special there actually, except buying a few dvds and a whole season 3 of Supernatural. hahahaha. Dean is soooooo cute. And not to forget, playing with my nieces and nephews.
The fun part was I took another Emergency leave on Tuesday coz I was out of ticket and the only time available was at 6.30 a.m in the morning on Monday. 6.30 a.m? You've gotta be kidding me. So, I called the PA and told her I'm taking an EL on Tuesday.
On Tuesday however, I did not go back with the bus although I've already bought the ticket. I went back by my brother's car. hahahaha. A sport car. Which when you drive 200km/h, it feels like you're driving at 120 km/h a normal car. A journey that was supposed to be 3 1/2 hours was shortened to 2 1/2 hours. hahahaha. Being in the car reminds me of Sophia (I called my car Sophia even though it's a Wira car. Don't know why but the name seems to suit the car. hehehe) and driving at 120-140km/h is already making her tired. Though, it's very excited to be inside the car (it has every single thing that a car should have) I still love my Sophia.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Bawak kereta laju
Aku suka pandu kereta dengan laju
Walaupun takdelah hebat mana keretaku
Tapi aku tetap tersenyum lebar
Aku boleh pandu keretaku dengan laju
Tadi aku pandu kereta dengan laju lagi
Cilok kanan
Pusing kiri
Drifting macam Takumi Initial D
tapi sebenarnya perasan dalam hati
Nak buat betul-betul tak berani
Manalah tahu terlanggar orang kat tepi
Kang susah nanti
Tadi aku pandu kereta laju lagi
Signboard kata 90km/j
Aku bantai lagi laju
Signboard kata 60km/j
Aku perlahankan sikit
Tapi masih lagi laju
Tadi aku pandu kereta dengan laju lagi
Kereta BMW kat sebelah kiri
Kereta Mercedes sebelah kanan
Aku peduli apa
Yang penting aku pandu kereta aku
Dengan laju lagi
Aku suka pandu kereta dengan laju
Tapi aku tetap fikir orang yang tersayang
-----> gelak dengan keji
aku pun tak tahu apa motif aku buat benda ni hari ni. Tapi yang penting aku nak update blog aku tapi aku tak tahu nak tulis apa....skarang dah updated...! (n_n)V
Aku suka pandu kereta dengan laju
Walaupun takdelah hebat mana keretaku
Tapi aku tetap tersenyum lebar
Aku boleh pandu keretaku dengan laju
Tadi aku pandu kereta dengan laju lagi
Cilok kanan
Pusing kiri
Drifting macam Takumi Initial D
tapi sebenarnya perasan dalam hati
Nak buat betul-betul tak berani
Manalah tahu terlanggar orang kat tepi
Kang susah nanti
Tadi aku pandu kereta laju lagi
Signboard kata 90km/j
Aku bantai lagi laju
Signboard kata 60km/j
Aku perlahankan sikit
Tapi masih lagi laju
Tadi aku pandu kereta dengan laju lagi
Kereta BMW kat sebelah kiri
Kereta Mercedes sebelah kanan
Aku peduli apa
Yang penting aku pandu kereta aku
Dengan laju lagi
Aku suka pandu kereta dengan laju
Tapi aku tetap fikir orang yang tersayang
-----> gelak dengan keji
aku pun tak tahu apa motif aku buat benda ni hari ni. Tapi yang penting aku nak update blog aku tapi aku tak tahu nak tulis apa....skarang dah updated...! (n_n)V
Friday, September 12, 2008
My newest nephew : The premature baby boy
I was having a slight headache out of insomnia due to internet oversurfing when I received a text message from my pregnant sister in JB:
"I kat puteri hosp ni. Just give birth to a baby boy due to heavy bleeding td. Doctor trus operate to save the baby."
My heart was like...stopped. Heavy bleeding? Operation?? What happen?????!!!!! I was shaking. This cannot be happening. It's my sister's 6th child and her 2nd baby boy. The pregnancy should be smooth and easy. I guess only Allah knows. It was around sahur that time and I had no appetite at all. Just a cup of nescafe and half slice of bread. I really wanted to call her but looking at the inappropriate time, I suppressed down the need for the answer of my question. Uuuu....it was so depressing. I was so worried.
I called her around 10 a.m just now. She told me what happened and I wept silently (what do you expect, I was in the office!) How would you feel if your sister told you she bled so much that she had to lie on her own pool of blood? Uuuuu....I am thankful that she is okay and the baby too. Do you know what my sister said about her baby?
"My baby nak sambut hari raya together dengan adik-beradik dia yang lain. That's why dia keluar sebelum raya."
I was half laughing and half crying. Well, he was suppose to come out around October. And now here he is, eager to see the world that he freaked out his mother and the entire family. Uuu...this is a new story in my family. Do you believe me when I said that I was crying thankfully while typing this post? It's a whole new story to tell our Mohd Darwish. Please be safe and may Allah bless you! Ganbaruyo!
"I kat puteri hosp ni. Just give birth to a baby boy due to heavy bleeding td. Doctor trus operate to save the baby."
My heart was like...stopped. Heavy bleeding? Operation?? What happen?????!!!!! I was shaking. This cannot be happening. It's my sister's 6th child and her 2nd baby boy. The pregnancy should be smooth and easy. I guess only Allah knows. It was around sahur that time and I had no appetite at all. Just a cup of nescafe and half slice of bread. I really wanted to call her but looking at the inappropriate time, I suppressed down the need for the answer of my question. Uuuu....it was so depressing. I was so worried.
I called her around 10 a.m just now. She told me what happened and I wept silently (what do you expect, I was in the office!) How would you feel if your sister told you she bled so much that she had to lie on her own pool of blood? Uuuuu....I am thankful that she is okay and the baby too. Do you know what my sister said about her baby?
"My baby nak sambut hari raya together dengan adik-beradik dia yang lain. That's why dia keluar sebelum raya."
I was half laughing and half crying. Well, he was suppose to come out around October. And now here he is, eager to see the world that he freaked out his mother and the entire family. Uuu...this is a new story in my family. Do you believe me when I said that I was crying thankfully while typing this post? It's a whole new story to tell our Mohd Darwish. Please be safe and may Allah bless you! Ganbaruyo!
Cepat-cepat sihat and smile for che su just like the baby in da picture, okay! =)
p/s: Right now, my little nephew is still in ICU. Please pray for his safety.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
work and Ramadhan
It's already the 11th day of Ramadhan. Honestly, this Ramadhan is not the same with my previous years. Maybe it's because the first time during my working age. Hahahaha. I don't know. But it's truly exhausting. I usually collapse before Isya' and will wake up at 4 to perform Isya' with terawih. Alone. It's not the same anymore. I know you guys will say it's just an excuse but seriously I'm easily tired nowadays. Dame! Dame! (read da-me--->it means cannot!) This cannot continue. I'm wasting the blessed month of the year (which may be the last one-well who knows) and I haven't done anything good so far! Argh....! It's pressuring!
Did I tell you that I went to see my nieces and nephews in JB like two days before Ramadhan? Oh my God! They were so adoreable and I miss them a lot. I don't know why but I love kids around their age (3-7 years old). Uuuu...maybe it's because I'm so used to be alone and the feeling to have a little brother/sister keeps gathering inside me. Hehehehehe...Fadh is so lucky to have a lot of sisters and brothers. Oh well! I could say that I'm lucky too. Well, just because I don't have little brother/sister, doesn't mean I can't pretend to have one right? Hehehehe.
My boss is pressuring me. A pile of work seems not enough that he keeps giving me another impossible-to-finish-in-time-given-task that I keep asking myself what is going on with this guy. I mean, if you're given another type of work at 4 on Thursday, what do you expect me to do? Finish it off in an hour and send it the next day? You've got to be kidding me. It's a simple work, yes. But it involves a lot of sources and I will need time to browse through just to find the raw data. And not to mention the period that he wants the data is to be from year 2000 and in quarter too. What the hell??????? It's almost 8 years and even Bank Negara's most recent data is from 2006. (Mc Rose tepuk dahi and geleng kepala.) I'm having headaches!!
Well, I guess, we have to really predict the unpredictables. Uuuuu....=(
Did I tell you that I went to see my nieces and nephews in JB like two days before Ramadhan? Oh my God! They were so adoreable and I miss them a lot. I don't know why but I love kids around their age (3-7 years old). Uuuu...maybe it's because I'm so used to be alone and the feeling to have a little brother/sister keeps gathering inside me. Hehehehehe...Fadh is so lucky to have a lot of sisters and brothers. Oh well! I could say that I'm lucky too. Well, just because I don't have little brother/sister, doesn't mean I can't pretend to have one right? Hehehehe.
My boss is pressuring me. A pile of work seems not enough that he keeps giving me another impossible-to-finish-in-time-given-task that I keep asking myself what is going on with this guy. I mean, if you're given another type of work at 4 on Thursday, what do you expect me to do? Finish it off in an hour and send it the next day? You've got to be kidding me. It's a simple work, yes. But it involves a lot of sources and I will need time to browse through just to find the raw data. And not to mention the period that he wants the data is to be from year 2000 and in quarter too. What the hell??????? It's almost 8 years and even Bank Negara's most recent data is from 2006. (Mc Rose tepuk dahi and geleng kepala.) I'm having headaches!!
Well, I guess, we have to really predict the unpredictables. Uuuuu....=(
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Kadang-kadang Tuhan bagi kelebihan kepada kita sebab nak tengok sama ada kita bersyukur dengan nikmatnya atau tidak. Cantik ke, pandai ke, kaya ke, semuanya ada hikmah tersendiri dan bukannya untuk dibangga-banggakan. Masalahnya, manusia ni tak faham. Kalau Tuhan bagi kecantikan pada orang ni, adala yang dengkila...tak kurang yang kata..'ni buat pembedahan plastik ni. takkan cantik sampai macam tu skali.' pulak dah!. dah Tuhan nak bagi dia cantik, yang ko dengki tu apesal? Kena fikir positif. Kena baik sangka. Kalau kita selalu fikir kelebihan orang lain tu sebab dia buat sesuatu yang tak elok untuk dapat kelebihannya, kita akan selalu tidak puas hati. Kita akan selalu komen.
Sama jugak dengan orang yang pandai. Dah Tuhan bagi pandai kat orang tu, ko yang tak berapa nak pandai ni terima je la. Usaha la dengan cara yang lain supaya pandai macam dia. Yang ko pegi sabotaj diala, pegi santau dia la, ada ko jadi pandai macam dia jugak? Takde kan? Tuhan ni Maha Adil. Dia bagi orang ni kelebihan sebelah sini, dia akan bagi kelebihan pada ko sebelah lain pulak. Tak payah bimbang. Dengan syarat, ko tahu yang ko ni hamba Dia dan ko tahu apa yang patut ko buat untuk dapat rahmat Dia. Takkan kayanya ko dengan buat naya kat orang. Percayalah kataku!. Hidup jangan terlalu dengki ngan orang nanti kita takkan reti bersyukur dengan apa yang kita ada. Tapi hidup kena ada sikit dengki ngan orang supaya kita akan belajar untuk improve diri kita. Pandai-pandai lah wasatiah yer.


Gambar minah dua orang ni takde kena mengena dengan entry aku. Saja je nak bagi korang semua tengok antara orang yang cantik. Gambar yang paling atas is a Taiwanese. Umur 22. The 2nd picture is a Mongolian. Kawai ne!
Sama jugak dengan orang yang pandai. Dah Tuhan bagi pandai kat orang tu, ko yang tak berapa nak pandai ni terima je la. Usaha la dengan cara yang lain supaya pandai macam dia. Yang ko pegi sabotaj diala, pegi santau dia la, ada ko jadi pandai macam dia jugak? Takde kan? Tuhan ni Maha Adil. Dia bagi orang ni kelebihan sebelah sini, dia akan bagi kelebihan pada ko sebelah lain pulak. Tak payah bimbang. Dengan syarat, ko tahu yang ko ni hamba Dia dan ko tahu apa yang patut ko buat untuk dapat rahmat Dia. Takkan kayanya ko dengan buat naya kat orang. Percayalah kataku!. Hidup jangan terlalu dengki ngan orang nanti kita takkan reti bersyukur dengan apa yang kita ada. Tapi hidup kena ada sikit dengki ngan orang supaya kita akan belajar untuk improve diri kita. Pandai-pandai lah wasatiah yer.


Gambar minah dua orang ni takde kena mengena dengan entry aku. Saja je nak bagi korang semua tengok antara orang yang cantik. Gambar yang paling atas is a Taiwanese. Umur 22. The 2nd picture is a Mongolian. Kawai ne!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
hari sesat sedunia
sesat. sesat boleh membawa kepada pelbagai pengertian. sesat dalam kehidupan bukanlah bermakna kemana-mana sahaja anda pergi anda pasti sesat tapi lebih kepada hilang tujuan hidup. tapi entry ini bukanlah ingin menceritakan tentang orang-orang yang sesat dalam kehidupan atau yang sewaktu dengannya. tapi entry ini lebih kepada bercerita tentang kami yang bukan sahaja sesat untuk pergi ke majlis Lina, tetapi juga sesat di Sunway Pyramid hatta jalan balik ke rumah Muni.(walaupun kesesatan itu tidaklah nyata kerana tuan rumah mampu menunjukkan jalan balik ke rumahnya.)
Tension. Tanggal 21 June yang lalu memanglah hari sesat sedunia untuk aku, fadh, laa and muni. sesat. Dalam Sunway Pyramid tu pun boleh sesat. aku pun tak faham kenapa. Kami sesat bukan kerana tidak menjumpai particular shop ataupun ingin mencari barang, kami sesat kerana kami mampu masuk ke dalam Sunway Pyramid tu tapi tidak menjumpai jalan keluar ke Carpark. arrgghhhh....tension giler! Mau taknya, sudahlah terpampang besar nama level tu di mana-mana dalam Sunway Pyramid tu, pintu keluar pulak tak jumpa....iskh...iskh....memang hari sesat.
itu baru satu masalah selesai. selepas itu kami menuju ke rumah Lina. sesat lagi. adoi...! takpe. hari itu ajer kami sesat. insya allah kami takkan sesat lagi lain kali. hehehehehe(kerana ada kemungkinan untuk tidak lagi pergi ke tempat itu). -..."sesungguhnya Allah bersama dengan orang-orang yang sabar..."
apapun, gembira melihat Lina dan Khalid yang berseri-seri dan secocok dengan persalinan berwarna kuning. Memanglah raja sehari. Dahlah aku jumpa buah hati aku kat situ. hahahahaha. I was so happy. Ketensenan akibat sesat terus hilang apabila bercakap dengan budak itu. kwang. kwang. (Dia dah ada makwe. Jangan memandai!). Mcrose senyum sampai telinga. This heart belongs to that person who will never know that this heart really belongs to him. Yang budak tu admire jer. hehehehehe.
Aperpun, congrats Lina and Khalid! Sama cantik. Sama padan. =)
Tension. Tanggal 21 June yang lalu memanglah hari sesat sedunia untuk aku, fadh, laa and muni. sesat. Dalam Sunway Pyramid tu pun boleh sesat. aku pun tak faham kenapa. Kami sesat bukan kerana tidak menjumpai particular shop ataupun ingin mencari barang, kami sesat kerana kami mampu masuk ke dalam Sunway Pyramid tu tapi tidak menjumpai jalan keluar ke Carpark. arrgghhhh....tension giler! Mau taknya, sudahlah terpampang besar nama level tu di mana-mana dalam Sunway Pyramid tu, pintu keluar pulak tak jumpa....iskh...iskh....memang hari sesat.
itu baru satu masalah selesai. selepas itu kami menuju ke rumah Lina. sesat lagi. adoi...! takpe. hari itu ajer kami sesat. insya allah kami takkan sesat lagi lain kali. hehehehehe(kerana ada kemungkinan untuk tidak lagi pergi ke tempat itu). -..."sesungguhnya Allah bersama dengan orang-orang yang sabar..."
apapun, gembira melihat Lina dan Khalid yang berseri-seri dan secocok dengan persalinan berwarna kuning. Memanglah raja sehari. Dahlah aku jumpa buah hati aku kat situ. hahahahaha. I was so happy. Ketensenan akibat sesat terus hilang apabila bercakap dengan budak itu. kwang. kwang. (Dia dah ada makwe. Jangan memandai!). Mcrose senyum sampai telinga. This heart belongs to that person who will never know that this heart really belongs to him. Yang budak tu admire jer. hehehehehe.
Aperpun, congrats Lina and Khalid! Sama cantik. Sama padan. =)
Monday, June 16, 2008
7 perkara
Saya ditag oleh Muni. sajer jer lah tu nak suruh jugak orang buat benda ni. tapi okay jer. sebab sekarang ni otak tengah tepu dan tidak mampu lagi untuk menghadap nombor yang sangat banyak
7 fakta tentang saya:
1) anak bongsu daripada enam adik beradik
2) satu-satunya yang dilahirkan di hospital. adik beradik saya yang lain semuanya dilahirkan di rumah. dilahirkan pada waktu subuh pada 25 April 1984.
3) bersekolah di kelantan dari kecik sampai besar. sekolah rendah di Sek. Ren. Dato' Hashim (1). my secondary school was Sek Men. Pengkalan Chepa (1). Walaupun saya mendapat tawaran untuk ke MRSM, saya menolaknya berikutan tidak mahu berpisah dengan mak dan ayah. hehehehe. Tapi terpaksa berpisah untuk ke Matrix UIA pada 2002-2003 dan ke UIA Gombak pada 2003-2006 and end 2006 until mid 2007 saya terpaksa berpindah ke Kuantan berikutan mengikuti perpindahan kuliah.
4) saya sangat suka muzik. kalau kedengaran enak di telinga saya, saya akan berusaha untuk bukan setakat mencari lirik tetapi juga akan cuba memahami dan membuat tafsiran saya sendiri tentang lagu dan lirik tersebut. bahasa apa2 pun boleh. pun begitu saya tidak mampu membezakan genre muzik di mana melodinya kedengaran lebih kurang sama. (suka buat benda yang tak berfaedah...bila nak insaf!)
5) saya sangat suka menonton movies dan dramas (selalunya korean dan japanese). saya boleh menghabiskan masa sepanjang hari dengan menonton siri kegemaran saya. I enjoy movies a lot. saya boleh menonton movie yang sama berulang kali kerana saya suka memahami apa dan mengapa skrip itu begitu. Contohnya: saya telah menonton Bourne (Identity, Supremacy and Ultimatum) sebanyak 8 kali. (Baru lapan kali). hehehehehe
6) saya sangat sensititif dan sangat senang menangis.
7) saya suka bermonolog. saya selalu risau orang fikir saya kurang waras kerana saya memang suka bermonolog. hehehehehe
7 perkara menakutkan saya:
1) gagal dalam hidup. hereafter and here.
2)keluarga saya tidak hiraukan saya---->saya sangat manja dengan keluarga (hehehehe)
3) lipas dan segala serangga yang mempunyai kaki macam lipas dan terbang....eeeeeiiii
4) orang marah saya
5) terasa hati kerana saya---->walaupun saya selalu sahaja buat orang di sekeliling saya terasa hati dengan saya.
6) hantu dan segala makhluk yang sewaktu dengannya
7) pretenders. men and women.
7 lagu buat masa sekarang:
Wow, cukup ke 7 ajer. hehehehe. I'll choose the best. Tapi semuanya lagu lama dan saya tak kisah biarpun orang kata lagu ni dah ketinggalan zaman.
1) Tong Hua- Guang Liang (lagu lama tapi saya mendengar dan meminatinya sekarang ini)
2) Daybreak's Bell - L'arc-en-ciel
3) Ashita Hareru Kana - Keisuke Kuwata---> OST Proposal Daisakusen (Operation Love)
4) Gojidmal (Lies) - Big Bang
5) Hikari - Utada Hikaru
6) Drink It Down - L'arc-en-ciel---> OST Devil May Cry IV
7) Sempurna - Andra and The Backbone---> kerana saya tak suka Gita (sorry cik Moon!)
7 perkara yang saya selalu sebut:
1) Ya Allah!
2) nandayo!
3) .........ek?
4) biar betol!
5) saje je!
6) aaa.....(contohnya...aaa, macam tu ek?)
7) tak senonoh betol!
7 perkara yang amat bernilai:
1) keluarga
2) tubuh badan yang sihat
3) otak saya
4) komputer n internet--->takder ni takleh buat keje ma!
5) contact lenses n spectacles
6) best friends and friends
7) harta benda yang saya ada sekarang
7 'pertama kali' dalam hidup saya:
1) melihat dunia 25 April 1984
2) 1993 - menang pertandingan melukis. sebelum ni asyik dapat nombor 3 dan 2 ajer.
3) 1995 - pertama kali menjejakkan kaki di holy land and berada di depan Ka'bah.
4) 2002 - staying far away from my beloved family. sebulan jugaklah homesick and call my mom coz I miss her a lot. uuuu...
5) 2002 and 2004- my first handphone---> nokia 3310. abang yang belikan. and my first laptop Prestigio. mak yang belikan.---> nak jugak bagitau. hei...betul apa. selama ini jauh dari family. I appreciate both things tu sampai sekarang. walaupun dah lunyai tapi masih lagi disimpan elok.
6) 2004 - my first work kat Seri Gombak. Jadi english teacher kat tuition centre. tapi quitted after a month and a half coz tak sempat nak prepare teaching materials. hehehehe.
7) 2008 - my first car-2nd hand wira aeroback. huhuhuhu...
7 blog yang dipilih:
1) lutfi
2) ceghah
3) muni
4) arshana--> sebab ada laruku!
5) kak izyan
6) mayat hidup
7) faisal tehrani
7 fakta tentang saya:
1) anak bongsu daripada enam adik beradik
2) satu-satunya yang dilahirkan di hospital. adik beradik saya yang lain semuanya dilahirkan di rumah. dilahirkan pada waktu subuh pada 25 April 1984.
3) bersekolah di kelantan dari kecik sampai besar. sekolah rendah di Sek. Ren. Dato' Hashim (1). my secondary school was Sek Men. Pengkalan Chepa (1). Walaupun saya mendapat tawaran untuk ke MRSM, saya menolaknya berikutan tidak mahu berpisah dengan mak dan ayah. hehehehe. Tapi terpaksa berpisah untuk ke Matrix UIA pada 2002-2003 dan ke UIA Gombak pada 2003-2006 and end 2006 until mid 2007 saya terpaksa berpindah ke Kuantan berikutan mengikuti perpindahan kuliah.
4) saya sangat suka muzik. kalau kedengaran enak di telinga saya, saya akan berusaha untuk bukan setakat mencari lirik tetapi juga akan cuba memahami dan membuat tafsiran saya sendiri tentang lagu dan lirik tersebut. bahasa apa2 pun boleh. pun begitu saya tidak mampu membezakan genre muzik di mana melodinya kedengaran lebih kurang sama. (suka buat benda yang tak berfaedah...bila nak insaf!)
5) saya sangat suka menonton movies dan dramas (selalunya korean dan japanese). saya boleh menghabiskan masa sepanjang hari dengan menonton siri kegemaran saya. I enjoy movies a lot. saya boleh menonton movie yang sama berulang kali kerana saya suka memahami apa dan mengapa skrip itu begitu. Contohnya: saya telah menonton Bourne (Identity, Supremacy and Ultimatum) sebanyak 8 kali. (Baru lapan kali). hehehehehe
6) saya sangat sensititif dan sangat senang menangis.
7) saya suka bermonolog. saya selalu risau orang fikir saya kurang waras kerana saya memang suka bermonolog. hehehehehe
7 perkara menakutkan saya:
1) gagal dalam hidup. hereafter and here.
2)keluarga saya tidak hiraukan saya---->saya sangat manja dengan keluarga (hehehehe)
3) lipas dan segala serangga yang mempunyai kaki macam lipas dan terbang....eeeeeiiii
4) orang marah saya
5) terasa hati kerana saya---->walaupun saya selalu sahaja buat orang di sekeliling saya terasa hati dengan saya.
6) hantu dan segala makhluk yang sewaktu dengannya
7) pretenders. men and women.
7 lagu buat masa sekarang:
Wow, cukup ke 7 ajer. hehehehe. I'll choose the best. Tapi semuanya lagu lama dan saya tak kisah biarpun orang kata lagu ni dah ketinggalan zaman.
1) Tong Hua- Guang Liang (lagu lama tapi saya mendengar dan meminatinya sekarang ini)
2) Daybreak's Bell - L'arc-en-ciel
3) Ashita Hareru Kana - Keisuke Kuwata---> OST Proposal Daisakusen (Operation Love)
4) Gojidmal (Lies) - Big Bang
5) Hikari - Utada Hikaru
6) Drink It Down - L'arc-en-ciel---> OST Devil May Cry IV
7) Sempurna - Andra and The Backbone---> kerana saya tak suka Gita (sorry cik Moon!)
7 perkara yang saya selalu sebut:
1) Ya Allah!
2) nandayo!
3) .........ek?
4) biar betol!
5) saje je!
6) aaa.....(contohnya...aaa, macam tu ek?)
7) tak senonoh betol!
7 perkara yang amat bernilai:
1) keluarga
2) tubuh badan yang sihat
3) otak saya
4) komputer n internet--->takder ni takleh buat keje ma!
5) contact lenses n spectacles
6) best friends and friends
7) harta benda yang saya ada sekarang
7 'pertama kali' dalam hidup saya:
1) melihat dunia 25 April 1984
2) 1993 - menang pertandingan melukis. sebelum ni asyik dapat nombor 3 dan 2 ajer.
3) 1995 - pertama kali menjejakkan kaki di holy land and berada di depan Ka'bah.
4) 2002 - staying far away from my beloved family. sebulan jugaklah homesick and call my mom coz I miss her a lot. uuuu...
5) 2002 and 2004- my first handphone---> nokia 3310. abang yang belikan. and my first laptop Prestigio. mak yang belikan.---> nak jugak bagitau. hei...betul apa. selama ini jauh dari family. I appreciate both things tu sampai sekarang. walaupun dah lunyai tapi masih lagi disimpan elok.
6) 2004 - my first work kat Seri Gombak. Jadi english teacher kat tuition centre. tapi quitted after a month and a half coz tak sempat nak prepare teaching materials. hehehehe.
7) 2008 - my first car-2nd hand wira aeroback. huhuhuhu...
7 blog yang dipilih:
1) lutfi
2) ceghah
3) muni
4) arshana--> sebab ada laruku!
5) kak izyan
6) mayat hidup
7) faisal tehrani
Prom night
Me and my office mate went to Capsquare which is around 10 minutes walking from our office. Actually, I'd no idea of the whereabout of the place. Luckily one of my colleague knew. We went there to watch movie actually because it was so boring to watch youtube in the office. The only available choice of movie at that time was Prom Night. A typical horror thriller movie and not suggestable for those who want something different. I like the boyfriend though. =)
Guess what, I bought ANOTHER new storybook. The Shakespeare's Secret. Haven't read yet coz I'm finishing my Frederick Forsyth's. It's progressing to page 90 right now. But still, I am not proud of myself. *sigh* =(
Guess what, I bought ANOTHER new storybook. The Shakespeare's Secret. Haven't read yet coz I'm finishing my Frederick Forsyth's. It's progressing to page 90 right now. But still, I am not proud of myself. *sigh* =(
prom night,
shakespeare's secret
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
The degrading interest in reading
Dulu saya sangat suka membaca buku. Walaupun mostly buku cerita dan lebih kepada mysteries and adventure, tapi pokok pangkalnya saya sangat gemar membaca. Buku cerita yang dibeli selalunya mampu dihabiskan dalam masa sehari. Dan selalunya saya akan membeli lebih daripada sebuah buku cerita. Hasilnya, berkotak-kotak buku di rumah adalah buku milik saya.
But, now it's a different story. Books are less amusing now. I still read them but not to the extent of having a book in 2-3 days. You name it. English or Malay novels, they do not entertain me like they used to. It's not that the books are not good. It's just me. With this degrading interest in reading books, I am afraid I will surely fall into the category--> people who read a book in a year. [Or is it a page?] I don't know.
I've bought two books. One was recommended by my nephew and the other one was a book that I bought out of my curiousity. With a lot of information in Wiki, of course. I bought them since like....umm....March[?]. But for the Malay novel (the recommended one), I think I'm reading page 10 right now and for the English novel...I think I'm stuck at page 16. *sigh*
This is not a good sign. Not at all. With the situation I am now [that requires a lot of reading], this is baaaaad! But somehow, can't help it. Seriously. uuuu.....zen me ban?
And the books are:
Tombiruo-->Ramlee Awang Murshid
The Day of the Jackal-->Frederick Forsyth
But, now it's a different story. Books are less amusing now. I still read them but not to the extent of having a book in 2-3 days. You name it. English or Malay novels, they do not entertain me like they used to. It's not that the books are not good. It's just me. With this degrading interest in reading books, I am afraid I will surely fall into the category--> people who read a book in a year. [Or is it a page?] I don't know.
I've bought two books. One was recommended by my nephew and the other one was a book that I bought out of my curiousity. With a lot of information in Wiki, of course. I bought them since like....umm....March[?]. But for the Malay novel (the recommended one), I think I'm reading page 10 right now and for the English novel...I think I'm stuck at page 16. *sigh*
This is not a good sign. Not at all. With the situation I am now [that requires a lot of reading], this is baaaaad! But somehow, can't help it. Seriously. uuuu.....zen me ban?
And the books are:
Tombiruo-->Ramlee Awang Murshid
The Day of the Jackal-->Frederick Forsyth
Thursday, May 22, 2008
I've encountered quite a few entries discussing about zodiacs and signs. I don't really believe it somehow coz it's not because of those constellations that we are what we are right now. God has made you the way you are. Accept willingly and cherish what you have. Although you don't have pointy nose, well you're still lucky that you have one! Or maybe, you are not fair (i.e. skin) enough to be considered as lovely (you think you are not!), well at least you can go out and play under the sun.
What is there to be ashamed about? You are what you are. You can never be someone else. And BTW, being someone else is never satisfying. Not to yourself or even others around you. The zodiacs are just assumptions. Nothing more than that.
BTW, I'm a Taurus. Let's see what wiki wanna tell us about my physical appearance (which is not true at all----->for me la!).
Physical traits
Many astrologers believe that each of the zodiac signs has identifiable physical traits. Some believe Taurus to be one of the most physically attractive signs in the zodiac and they are usually good-looking individuals. Physically, individuals born under the sign of Taurus will tend to have a full, square or long face, small ears, a fairly large, rounded and dimpled chin, sometimes prominent foreheads, a short or pointy and turned-up nose, large and expressive eyes, glowing, opaque and light skin, full and well-shaped lips, small and even teeth, and thick, often curly hair. They are thought by some to usually be above average height and the women often possess a voluptuous figure, a swan neck and Grecian nose.
Banyakla ko punyer swan neck....hahahahahahaha.
What is there to be ashamed about? You are what you are. You can never be someone else. And BTW, being someone else is never satisfying. Not to yourself or even others around you. The zodiacs are just assumptions. Nothing more than that.
BTW, I'm a Taurus. Let's see what wiki wanna tell us about my physical appearance (which is not true at all----->for me la!).
Physical traits
Many astrologers believe that each of the zodiac signs has identifiable physical traits. Some believe Taurus to be one of the most physically attractive signs in the zodiac and they are usually good-looking individuals. Physically, individuals born under the sign of Taurus will tend to have a full, square or long face, small ears, a fairly large, rounded and dimpled chin, sometimes prominent foreheads, a short or pointy and turned-up nose, large and expressive eyes, glowing, opaque and light skin, full and well-shaped lips, small and even teeth, and thick, often curly hair. They are thought by some to usually be above average height and the women often possess a voluptuous figure, a swan neck and Grecian nose.
Banyakla ko punyer swan neck....hahahahahahaha.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Bijakkah Anda?
Bijakkah anda?
Ujian Dementia Betapa cekapnya anda!
Di bawah ada ( 4 ) soalan dan satu soalan bonus. Anda perlu menjawab dengan pantas. Anda tidak boleh mengambil masa, perlu menjawabnya segera. OK? Mari cuba , lihat sendiri berapa pantas dan hebatnya diri anda..... Ready? GO!!! (lihat bawah)
Soalan Pertama: Anda menyertai perlumbaan. Anda mengejar dan memotong orang yang kedua. Sekarang Anda ditempat yang ke berapa?
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
Jawapan: Jika jawapan anda tempat yang pertama, sudah tentu jawapan anda salah! Jika anda memotong orang kedua sudah tentu anda mengambil tempatnya, tempat kedua!Cuba jangan lihat atas semula untuk soalan seterus.
Sekarang jawab soalan kedua, tetapi jangan ambil terlalu banyak masa seperti soalan pertama OK ?
Soalan Kedua:Jika anda memotong tempat orang yang terakhir, jadi anda di tempat...?
(lihat bawah)
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
Jawapan: Jika jawapan anda tempat kedua terakhir, anda salah lagi.. siapakah yang terakhir, bagaimana anda boleh memotong orang yang terakhir?Adakah anda pantas dan cerdik?
Soalan Ketiga: Soalan kira-kira bermuslihat! Perhatian: Ini mesti dilakukan tanpa menggunakan fikiran sahaja . Jangan guna kertas dan pensil atau mesen kira-kira. Cuba lah...Ambil 1000 dan campur 40 . Sekarang campur lagi 1000 . Campur lagi 30 .... Campur lagi 1000 . Campur lagi 20 ... Campur lagi 1000 . Campur lagi 10 ... Berapa kah jumlah semua? Lihat bawah untuk ...jawapan..
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
Adakah jawapan anda 5000 ?Jawapan sebanar adalah 4100.Jika anda tak percaya gunakan mesin kira-kira.! Mungkin ini bukan hari anda kan ? Mungkin anda boleh jawab soalan yang akhir ini dengan betul ... Cuba.
Soalan keempat: Bapa Mary ada seramai lima orang anak gadis: 1. Nana, 2. Nene, 3. Nini, 4. Nono. Apakah nama anak gadisnya yang terakhir?
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
Adakah jawapan anda Nunu? Salah! sudah tentu Salah. Namanya Mary. Baca semula soalan!
Okay, cuba jawab soalan bonus: Sorang bisu pergi ke mini-market untuk membeli sebatang berus gigi. Dengan mengayakan lakonan memberus gigi ia berjaya menerangkan hasratnya kepada pekedai dan ia berjaya membeli berus gigi itu. Seterusnya, seorang buta pergi ke mini-market, untuk membeli cermin mata hitam, bagaimana dia menerangkan kepada pekedai itu hasratnya. ...?
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
Dia hanya membuka mulutnya dan menyebut apa yang dihajati.
How was it?
The questions are quite good right?
Moral: Read the questions carefully.
Ujian Dementia Betapa cekapnya anda!
Di bawah ada ( 4 ) soalan dan satu soalan bonus. Anda perlu menjawab dengan pantas. Anda tidak boleh mengambil masa, perlu menjawabnya segera. OK? Mari cuba , lihat sendiri berapa pantas dan hebatnya diri anda..... Ready? GO!!! (lihat bawah)
Soalan Pertama: Anda menyertai perlumbaan. Anda mengejar dan memotong orang yang kedua. Sekarang Anda ditempat yang ke berapa?
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
Jawapan: Jika jawapan anda tempat yang pertama, sudah tentu jawapan anda salah! Jika anda memotong orang kedua sudah tentu anda mengambil tempatnya, tempat kedua!Cuba jangan lihat atas semula untuk soalan seterus.
Sekarang jawab soalan kedua, tetapi jangan ambil terlalu banyak masa seperti soalan pertama OK ?
Soalan Kedua:Jika anda memotong tempat orang yang terakhir, jadi anda di tempat...?
(lihat bawah)
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
Jawapan: Jika jawapan anda tempat kedua terakhir, anda salah lagi.. siapakah yang terakhir, bagaimana anda boleh memotong orang yang terakhir?Adakah anda pantas dan cerdik?
Soalan Ketiga: Soalan kira-kira bermuslihat! Perhatian: Ini mesti dilakukan tanpa menggunakan fikiran sahaja . Jangan guna kertas dan pensil atau mesen kira-kira. Cuba lah...Ambil 1000 dan campur 40 . Sekarang campur lagi 1000 . Campur lagi 30 .... Campur lagi 1000 . Campur lagi 20 ... Campur lagi 1000 . Campur lagi 10 ... Berapa kah jumlah semua? Lihat bawah untuk ...jawapan..
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
Adakah jawapan anda 5000 ?Jawapan sebanar adalah 4100.Jika anda tak percaya gunakan mesin kira-kira.! Mungkin ini bukan hari anda kan ? Mungkin anda boleh jawab soalan yang akhir ini dengan betul ... Cuba.
Soalan keempat: Bapa Mary ada seramai lima orang anak gadis: 1. Nana, 2. Nene, 3. Nini, 4. Nono. Apakah nama anak gadisnya yang terakhir?
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
Adakah jawapan anda Nunu? Salah! sudah tentu Salah. Namanya Mary. Baca semula soalan!
Okay, cuba jawab soalan bonus: Sorang bisu pergi ke mini-market untuk membeli sebatang berus gigi. Dengan mengayakan lakonan memberus gigi ia berjaya menerangkan hasratnya kepada pekedai dan ia berjaya membeli berus gigi itu. Seterusnya, seorang buta pergi ke mini-market, untuk membeli cermin mata hitam, bagaimana dia menerangkan kepada pekedai itu hasratnya. ...?
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
Dia hanya membuka mulutnya dan menyebut apa yang dihajati.
How was it?
The questions are quite good right?
Moral: Read the questions carefully.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Tree, Leaf and Wind: The Leaf part
During Pre-U days, I like to collect leaves.
Why?Because I felt that for a leaf to leave the tree she has been relying on for so long,
it will take a lot of courage.
During the 3 years of Pre-U I was on very close terms with a guy.
Not B-G-Relationship kind. We were just friends.
But when he had his 1st girlfriend, I learnt a feeling I never should have learnt - Jealousy.
The sourness in the heart can't be described by any word.
It's like 100 rotten sour lemons. Sourness to the extreme limit.
They were only together for 2 months.
When they broke up, I hid my strong sense of happiness.
But after a month, he got together with another gal.
I liked him & I know he liked me.
But why wouldn't he pursue me?Why didn't he make the first move?
Whenever he had a new girlfriend, my heart would hurt.
Time after time, the pain grew bigger.
I began to suspect that this was a one sided love.
If he didn't like me, why was he so good to me?
It was beyond what you would normally do for a friend.
Liking a person is very heart wrenching.
I can know his likes, his habits.
But his feelings towards me, I can never figure out.
You can't expect me to ask him right?
Despite that, I still want to be by his side.
Care for him, accompany him, love him.
Hoping that one day, he will come & love me too.
It's like waiting for his phone call every night, wanting him to send me an sms.
I know that no matter how busy he is, he will make time for me.
Because of this, I waited for him.
The 3 years were the hardest to go through & I really want to give up.
Sometimes, I wonder whether I should continue waiting.
The pain and hurt, the dilemma accompanies me for 3 years.
Till the end of my 3rd year, a 2nd year junior begins to go after me.
Everyday he pursuits me relentlessly.
From outright rejection to a point in time when I felt that I'm willing to let him have a small footing in my heart.
He's like a warm & gentle wind, trying to blow a leaf away from the tree.
In the end, I realized that I didn't want to give this wind a small footing in my heart.
I know this wind will bring this badly battered leave to a far away & better land.
Finally I left tree, but the tree only smile & didn't ask me to stay.
Leaf departs is it because of the blowing Wind or because Tree didn't ask her to stay??
During Pre-U days, I like to collect leaves.
Why?Because I felt that for a leaf to leave the tree she has been relying on for so long,
it will take a lot of courage.
During the 3 years of Pre-U I was on very close terms with a guy.
Not B-G-Relationship kind. We were just friends.
But when he had his 1st girlfriend, I learnt a feeling I never should have learnt - Jealousy.
The sourness in the heart can't be described by any word.
It's like 100 rotten sour lemons. Sourness to the extreme limit.
They were only together for 2 months.
When they broke up, I hid my strong sense of happiness.
But after a month, he got together with another gal.
I liked him & I know he liked me.
But why wouldn't he pursue me?Why didn't he make the first move?
Whenever he had a new girlfriend, my heart would hurt.
Time after time, the pain grew bigger.
I began to suspect that this was a one sided love.
If he didn't like me, why was he so good to me?
It was beyond what you would normally do for a friend.
Liking a person is very heart wrenching.
I can know his likes, his habits.
But his feelings towards me, I can never figure out.
You can't expect me to ask him right?
Despite that, I still want to be by his side.
Care for him, accompany him, love him.
Hoping that one day, he will come & love me too.
It's like waiting for his phone call every night, wanting him to send me an sms.
I know that no matter how busy he is, he will make time for me.
Because of this, I waited for him.
The 3 years were the hardest to go through & I really want to give up.
Sometimes, I wonder whether I should continue waiting.
The pain and hurt, the dilemma accompanies me for 3 years.
Till the end of my 3rd year, a 2nd year junior begins to go after me.
Everyday he pursuits me relentlessly.
From outright rejection to a point in time when I felt that I'm willing to let him have a small footing in my heart.
He's like a warm & gentle wind, trying to blow a leaf away from the tree.
In the end, I realized that I didn't want to give this wind a small footing in my heart.
I know this wind will bring this badly battered leave to a far away & better land.
Finally I left tree, but the tree only smile & didn't ask me to stay.
Leaf departs is it because of the blowing Wind or because Tree didn't ask her to stay??
I'm loving it: the everlasting task...
uuuuu....i've started working. though still under probation but it's very indeed tiring and exhausting. not physically but mentally. well, if it's mentally tiring, it affects the body also right? i realize that it's been a while since i've updated my blog. Not that I don't have any intention of doing it but, it's just that I don't know what to write in it. Besides, the difficulties of finding the places in surfing the internet, limits me in doing it too.
Penat ah cakap omputih. Finally, the job is here and it's up to me now. There aren't many people in the department but thank God they are the friendly kind of people. As the job I'm doing right now is definitely not my field, these people are willing to teach me slowly and tell me how I should do it. Even my boss is very nice too. (forgot to tell you he's a kelantanese. a very nice man.) Uuuu....hari-hari penat. takper....Jia you! Jia you!
Penat ah cakap omputih. Finally, the job is here and it's up to me now. There aren't many people in the department but thank God they are the friendly kind of people. As the job I'm doing right now is definitely not my field, these people are willing to teach me slowly and tell me how I should do it. Even my boss is very nice too. (forgot to tell you he's a kelantanese. a very nice man.) Uuuu....hari-hari penat. takper....Jia you! Jia you!
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