Monday, June 22, 2009

The journey, the wedding and the conversation

The Journey
It was the attending-wedding-day again. I went to Mclaa's place and stayed overnight there as planned. The wonderful part was, we went there by Sophia. hahahaha (Finally she has grown up--->she was driven out of KL and even Selangor. hehehe) We went to Perak actually to attend a friend/blogger's wedding.

It started with a rainy morning. We went to buy the bulb first as I forgot to do so the previous day. After picking up Haikal at the Petronas station, we continued the journey with a brighter day. [actually I'm quite greatful that it was raining that morning as Sophia haven't bathed that week hehehehe].

Haikal drove along the journey, Mc Laa was the co-driver and Ina and I were the passengers. I was really happy to be a passenger as I grew tired of being a driver or co-driver. I wonder how does a bus driver feel. hmmm...(mcrose dah stat melalut). We arrived at Pojan's wedding place around 2 something I guess after 'a longer route' drive. hahahaha.

The Wedding
It was a great wedding with so many people attending it and it wasn't only A wedding. I was informed that there was another couple, a brother to the bride. Wah, two couples in one wedding. hehehehe...that sounds like fun! (n_n)v

The wedding was perfect. A lot of people, good food, a lot of friends around, cute photographer (n_n)v and of course...beautiful dresses [be it worn by the brides and bridegrooms or the guests..they made people look nice and I love it!]. I won't elaborate more on the wedding as all of you can see the pictures in Mc Laa's

The Conversation be continued.....[I'm sleepy and I've got a report to submit tomorrow! Actually the best part is yet to come. Wait aaa....]


FaZiLa said...

nyam nyam.. i like it..ahaaaa :)

roslini ashari said...

hahahahaha. i know who do ya mean!