Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Kuala Lumpur, 30 June - Beberapa ekor lembu telah dijumpai terlantar di atas rak berdekatan dengan surau di dalam sebuah kompleks membeli-belah yang berdekatan dengan Taman Danau Desa dua hari yang lepas.

Lembu-lembu tersebut yang terlantar tanpa pakaian telah menarik perhatian beberapa pengunjung kompleks membeli-belah tersebut. Walaupun tiada kesesakan lalu lintas dilaporkan, pengaliran wang keluar oleh beberapa pengunjung tempat tersebut telah menyebabkan kekurangan lembu-lembu di rak itu semakin menjadi-jadi.

Salah seorang pengunjung, Cik Zaitul Fazila Zakaria yang telah menghabiskan wangnya kerana lembu-lembu tersebut berkata, dia tidak mampu menahan perasaan apabila melihat lembu-lembu itu seperti memanggil-manggil namanya. "Saya kesian tengok lembu-lembu itu. Dahla tak berpakaian, terlantar plak atas rak. Kat tepi surau pulak tu. Kesian diaorang. Sebab tu saya rela menghabiskan duit. Takder masalah," katanya lagi sambil tersenyum riang dan memegang erat salah seekor lembu yang menarik perhatiannya.

Seorang lagi pengunjung yang merupakan kawan baik Cik Zaitul Fazila, Cik Roslini Ashari juga tidak kisah kesengkekan duit di dalam dompetnya, semata-mata untuk menyelamatkan lembu-lembu yang terletak di atas rak tersebut. "Saya okay jer. Lagipun saya melakukannya demi menyelamatkan maruah lembu yang tidak berpakaian itu daripada dicemari. Apalah sangat duit saya ni jika dibandingkan dengan keadaan mereka yang agak terbiar di atas rak ni. Saya terharu melihat diaorang yang merenung saya dan kawan baik saya dengan pandangan yang sayu dan tidak bermaya. Sebab tu saya tak kisah," Cik Roslini berkata sambil mencium lembu putih pilihannya. Mereka berdua mengambil keputusan untuk menamakan lembu masing-masing dengan satu nama iaitu Momo.

Keprihatinan mereka berdua telah menarik perhatian beberapa pengunjung yang lain yang juga mengambil keputusan untuk menyelamatkan lembu-lembu tersebut. Sikap begini haruslah dipuji dan dijadikan teladan. Majulah sukan untuk negara! - Tuan Punya Momo


Why did it turn out like this?
Why did she turn her back on me?
Why did he ignore me?
Why me?
Why did he give me this kind of work?
Why are you mad at me?
Why did she stare at me?
Why did she say that to me?

Why...why...and why. Okay, I am human like you. With flesh and bone easily scratched and broken. I do complain like others and I do whine when I feel like doing it. But, if you complain just to make sure the attention is fixed on you or you complain the same thing everytime just to find a topic to start a conversation, that's not a good idea. NOT AT ALL! Okay, I never said that you can't complain at all but be rational. Complaining is a good behaviour, of course. Why? Coz it is one way for you to reveal or to say your dissatisfaction towards someone or something and it's a way to ask an opinion on how to solve a problem indirectly. For example, 'Eh, rambut aku ni kasar giler. Boleh buat berus sabut.' Then your friend might suggest a few kind of shampoo to fix your problem. See, that settles a problem. But, if you keep bugging your friend about the same thing, tell me who won't be annoyed?

Complaining won't solve a problem unless you say it to the right person. You don't talk and talk and let the matters hanging. You talk and talk and you figure out what you have to do to solve it. You have to have courage to speak to the person involved or find out a solution to make sure the same thing won't happen again. Or else, it'll be a never ending story. (juz like my work....see I'm complaining again!) and you'll keep suffering the same thing again.

Monday, June 22, 2009

The journey, the wedding and the conversation

The Journey
It was the attending-wedding-day again. I went to Mclaa's place and stayed overnight there as planned. The wonderful part was, we went there by Sophia. hahahaha (Finally she has grown up--->she was driven out of KL and even Selangor. hehehe) We went to Perak actually to attend a friend/blogger's wedding.

It started with a rainy morning. We went to buy the bulb first as I forgot to do so the previous day. After picking up Haikal at the Petronas station, we continued the journey with a brighter day. [actually I'm quite greatful that it was raining that morning as Sophia haven't bathed that week hehehehe].

Haikal drove along the journey, Mc Laa was the co-driver and Ina and I were the passengers. I was really happy to be a passenger as I grew tired of being a driver or co-driver. I wonder how does a bus driver feel. hmmm...(mcrose dah stat melalut). We arrived at Pojan's wedding place around 2 something I guess after 'a longer route' drive. hahahaha.

The Wedding
It was a great wedding with so many people attending it and it wasn't only A wedding. I was informed that there was another couple, a brother to the bride. Wah, two couples in one wedding. hehehehe...that sounds like fun! (n_n)v

The wedding was perfect. A lot of people, good food, a lot of friends around, cute photographer (n_n)v and of course...beautiful dresses [be it worn by the brides and bridegrooms or the guests..they made people look nice and I love it!]. I won't elaborate more on the wedding as all of you can see the pictures in Mc Laa's

The Conversation
.......to be continued.....[I'm sleepy and I've got a report to submit tomorrow! Actually the best part is yet to come. Wait aaa....]

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Butterscotch and a tin of Nescafe

Do you know what's the worst part of the day? Coming to the office and you surf the internet just to find that the page that you wanted to open is currently busy and you cannot do your work that your boss want on Monday (Please read this in one breath). Yup, that's what happening to me! Argh...didn't expect the page to be 'currently busy'. huhuhuhu

So, right now, I'm trying to comfort myself with a tin of nescafe and a slice of Butterscotch. Oh well, things like this do happen right? So, what's next? How about watching movie in Capsquare? Hmm...what's good now ek? Blood? oooo...the anime blood+ in real life. Hmm..sounds good. Or maybe Drag Me To Hell? Nah...I'll watch it with someone else. I'm not watching ghost movie alone. hehehehehe.

I'm taking sip after sip of my light brownish Nescafe and enjoying yet another slice of Butterscotch to, again, try to comfort that I can finish the work by tonight. *sigh

Kami sama tasukete!