Thursday, July 21, 2005

I am a lonely young girl

I'm a lonely young girl
with people around me
are none of those that I've known.
I'm a lonely young girl
with everything around me
is numb and leaving.
I'm a lonely young girl
with the glimpse of tension
keeps visiting me.
Every hour.
Every minute.
Every second.
I'm a lonely young girl
who'll be slowly embraced
by the hand of sadness
The feel so deep
I hardly realize.
Suddenly I wake up
with the call of the Holy Qur'an in front of me
heals my heart with its words
I barely know.
I barely understand.
And so I finally realize
Yes, I was a lonely young girl
but I know
there are people around me
love me with all of their heart
wishing me to be happy
safe and sound.
Right, I was a lonely young girl
but I know things around me
are God's most beautiful creations
being replaced everyday
to let me know Him more.
True, I was a lonely young girl
but I know
God will never leave me
Will always be there for me
Always able to protect me.
Now, I'm a lonely young girl
whom her heart is almost healed
People beside me
Things around me
Nature surrounding me
are still numb and leaving.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Japanese Dictionary converter

It's an English-Japanese-English dictionary online converter. It'll take a few minutes but the results of the words are quite satisfied. =)

The room, the temperature and the Giant lizard

My new room is very cold. The temperature during night would probably around 13C-18C! Well, it might sound a bit exaggerating but hey I end up wearing socks every night to make sure that I'll be able to walk again the next day. (kidding!)

I like my new room. Even though the view is not that fascinating (faces another block=the blue roof=boring view). It's actually a compartment room with all sorts of things in it are in blue. The bedsheet, pillow, bookshelf, cupboard(lucky me it's already painted in blue =) ), towel, hanger, mirror etc. I even notice that many of my books are blue in colour. Well, I'm also thinking of covering the pendaflour lamp with a blue wrapping paper. Romantic huh?

The best part of my room is not the blue-colour-room part, It's the giant lizard! It amazes me with its extraordinary size and length but somehow I'd rather find it to be kind of cute. It comes out of its hole, a pipe hole to be exact, around 10 p.m-1 a.m and I'll enjoy myself watching it as one of God's creation. I told my 'ehem' about it. He called me the next day and ask : "Sedap ke sup cicak?" Eww...yerk! I wonder how would it taste. ....=}

Fantastic 4

I've watched Fantastic 4. I enjoyed watching it so much probably because its originally from comic. Comment: Full of comedy, good special effects and handsome heroes and villain (I don't recall his name but I think he is Cole from Charmed) Atashi daisuki! =)

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


I listened to ERA (it's a quite popular radio station-I guess) yesterday. Out of blue, the song entitled SATU (one) sung by DEWA was played by the DJ. The song attracted me not only with its music but also with its words. Check this chorus out:

Tak ada yang lain selain dirimu
Yang selalu kupuja
Kusebut namamu
Di setiap hembusan nafasku
Kusebut namamu
Kusebut namamu

could be roughly translated like this:

There is no other one but u
The one that I always praise
I call your names
In every breath I take
I call your names
I call your names

The lyrics sound simple but for me it reveals a lot of meanings. Well, people in love will sing this of course to the one he or she loves. But what if we change it to like this:

Tak ada yang lain selain diri-Mu
Yang selalu kupuja
Kusebut nama-Mu
Di setiap hembusan nafasku
Kusebut nama-Mu
Kusebut nama-Mu

The english translation does not change but now the word 'Mu' refers to the Almighty.
Now, doesn't that make a big difference? =)

Thursday, July 14, 2005


I borrowed a book from the library. It's a nice book with its paper already turned yellow. (Hey...don't judge the book by its cover) What captivates my heart is the word chosen and the flow of the language used by the translator (it's originally in Japanese). Simple yet comprehensive. And guess what, the author was one of the novelist in Meiji period. Does that remind you something? =)

you can read the story at this site:

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

God Is Great!

God IS Great! That was my expression when i was on flight yesterday. The cloud is beautiful. White as cotton wool. Well sometimes it looks like what so called cotton candy to me. wah...long time don't eat maaaa.hehehe.. But seriously, being amazed by it's movement is totally unavoidable. Its shape truly reflects the power of Allah Almighty. I can't really take my eyes off the cloud. I guess the cartoon tells the truth about jumping on them. Well, at least I'm imagining myself of doing so. =)